Tower One Basic Roof Access Kit
This kit is for the residential installer to comply with OSHA code for full fall protection while on a roof. This is for techs that primarily just does installs and will not be climbing TV antenna towers.
Kit consists of
- 1- Petzl Newton Easy Fit Harness
- 2- Petzl RescuCenders
- 2- Sterling 9.5" Ratchet Prusiks
- 1- Petzl Oxian ANSI Carrabiner
- 200' 11mm Sterling HTP Static Rope
- 1- Tower One Throw Line Kit
- 1- Sterling 36" 1" Webbing Sling
- 1- Leather Roof/Rope Protector
- 1-Tower One Roof Rope Retriver
- 1- Ergodyne Storage Bag Large
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